Support Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. (SMB) is registered under the "Company Act 2063" with the Company Registrar's Office of Nepal as a Microfinance Institution on Nov 14, 2014 (2071.07.27 Bikram Era). Support Received Operating License from Nepal Rastra Bank on June 30, 2015, and Started Formal Microfinance Programs from July 12, 2015 (2072.03.27) under Bank and Financial Institution Act 2063(2006). Initially, the Authorized Capital of Support is NRs. 150 million, the issued capital is NRs. 122.44 million and paid-up capital is NRs. 107.62 million (Promoters 70% & General Public 30%). Support First Branch Office Dhankuta Bajar ( Dhankuta Municipality) is located in Dhankuta District. Support Provides Microfinance Services such as Micro Loans, Micro Deposits, Microinsurance, and Remittance services to poor families of Nepal. Its Central Office is at Itahari, Sunsari District, and Eastern Region of Nepal.
The mission of Support is to support and strengthen the bottom of the socio-economic pyramid by facilitating easy and responsive access to financial services for the poor, marginalized and disadvantaged to come out of the vicious circle of poverty.
To contribute to establish poverty free prosperous society.
Upscale the financial status of the disadvantaged society of people by providing them with access to micro-finance services and enhance their business skills and grow their enterprises at optimum level.
The objective of Support is to reduce poverty and improve the quality of lives of the landless and asset-less rural and semi urban poor by providing them with diversified financial services.The primary objective of Support is to provide the disadvantaged section of the rural poor with easy access to credit, which will help them to uplift their socio-economic status and make the full use of their existing skills and resources.
The specific objectives include:
Providing credit support to low income people for promoting various income raising activities by mobilizing local capital, indigenous skills and labor.
Support to Raising production and productivity of poor communities by utilizing their skills and resources.
Support the poor people with capital to encourage them to undertake productive enterprises.
Support to mobilize rural savings and strengthening credit delivery system to help increase productive assets of the poor people.
Support the poor communities aware and conscious among the poor communities on the need and importance of self-employment development.
Inputs: Philosophy of Support will be constituted based on the concept, belief and Process: working procedure has to elaborate in details - Observation and study, plan of Outputs: We can find out the result whether the target clients/beneficiaries will have Strategies
Savings first.
Target-based approach in micro financial services.
Support the poor people with capital to encourage them to undertake productive enterprises.
Total services (inclusive of special support) in package to its clients.
Financial discipline is must for micro financial services.
Priorities to women, minorities, Dalits, and Janajaties in micro-finance services.
Non-collateral based lending (group liability) and individual liabilities for special package
Transparent and fast track service delivery approach to its clients.
Services will be conducted through Service Delivery Centers (SDCs).
Lean and smart manpower based organization.
Credit plus approach is endeavored in micro financial services. Support will make its best
Support believes its core value as under for sustainable microfinance services. These are:
Poor are honest and to get micro credit is just like a human right of them.
Savings for future economic strength.
Microfinance for poverty reduction achieved through income generation activities.
Microfinance for collectiveness and community development.
Inclusive financial services without political interference.
Support will not survive without the cooperation of valued customers.
There are innumerable possibilities in our villages and survival skills in human being.
Reflecting Support’s work and in the behavior of each and every team member, our values create strong principles in us:
C= Cost effective and simple
R=Respect for all
E=Exemplary governance
Attitude of the target people, beneficiaries. action, formulation and implementation of the systems. been benefited or how they would get advantage of the programs. program. efforts in coordinating such services to the clients. which leads to peace and prosperity.
A=Accountable and professionalismFinancial discipline is must for micro financial services.
T=Transparency and reliability
V=Value addition
E=Effective team work and commitment
© 2020 Support Lagubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited. All rights reserved | Developed & Maintained by Soani Tech Nepal Pvt. Ltd