

  • Group Saving:
  • Group Saving is a Voluntary saving. Every group member Must Deposit fixed amount of Rs.200 monthly. It is applied to encourage saving habits of members as well as to provide safety net for both Institute and group members. Depositors earn an attractive interest rate on these savings as daily basis. Members can withdraw this saving only in case of her/ his retirement from institution or can hand over to next to kin. 

    Interest Rate : 7.5 %


  • Borrower Saving:
  • Borrower saving is also a type of Voluntary saving. A member who uses Loan Service from institute should deposit 3% of amount from loan taken by her/him. In borrower saving depositors earn prescribed interest rate per annum on daily basis. It will be refunded after fifth year, more than 5% of the loan outstanding of that time through the personal saving account of the loan member.Now this account is only applicable for Old Members whose this saving were already opened.New Members cannot open New Borrower Saving. Interest Rate : 7.5%

  • Centre Welfare Saving:
  • In Centre fund saving every member of the Centre should deposit fix money of Rs.10 per month. Member of center can use the fund on their center welfare & financial literacy, construction & repair of center house and for the purchase of necessary furniture & stationery needed. In order to withdraw this amount from the Fund, Center Meeting Minute is Compulsory in the Attendance Register. Interest Rate: 7.5%

  • Personal saving:
  • Members of Support Lagubitta Bittiya Sanstha can operate personal saving account to improve the saving habit .They can withdraw the saved money from their account when they needed. Institute will provide interest on it daily balance basis. Interest Rate : 7.5%

  • Future saving:
  • Future saving is offered to the member to deposit monthly fixed installment for a fixed time regularly or can deposit her/his bulk amount at a time to get as following table. Now this account is only applicable for Old Members who's this saving were already opened. New Members cannot open New Future Saving. Interest Rate : 10 %

  • Support Special Saving:
  • Support Special Saving is offered to both Group and Non-Group Member to Fixed installment for 3 months or 6 months or 12 months with minimum Amount of Rs.1000 .

    Interest Paying System



    Rs 1,000 to Rs.1,00,000


    Rs. 1,00,000 and more



    Support Special Remittance Saving

    Support Special Remittance Saving is offered to both Group and Non-Group Member to Fixed installment for 3 months or 6 months or 12 months with minimum Amount of Rs.100000 , whose family members sends Money from Foreign Employment.

    Rs. 1,00,000 and more 10%
  • Pewaa Saving:
  • Pewaa Saving is for both Group and non-group women member with motive to become Self-employed and Self-dependent in near future. In this Pewaa saving, Member can deposit the amount of Rs.50 or more which can be divisible by 10.

    Member can deposit Daily, weekly or in 15 days interval of time in office or in Monthly Center Meetings. In this type of saving Interest in calculated Daily at the rate of 7.5%.

  • Children Education Saving:
  • Child Education saving is to Encourage Member to Get their Children Better Education.This saving is for both group and non-group member where each Member can have saving for 2 children. The Interest is Calculated Daily at Rate of 7.5 %.

  • Project Saving:
  • Member of Support Lagubitta Sanstha can operate Project saving for their individual project. The interest is calculated as of general saving. Now this account is only applicable for Old Members who's this saving were already opened. New Members cannot open New Borrower Saving. Interest Rate: 7.5%